Lightning talks

A session of 10 minute timed talks on WordPress related issues. Order and speakers may change – here is what has been submitted:

Front end profile editing

Mark Wilkinson: Having worked on a project where users need control over their profile screens regularly and I did not want them in the admin, I needed a solution to allow them to do this on the front end. In this talk how will how I solved this problem through the development of a plugin and how it is used to easily give users front end profile editing functionality.

Search engine success with WordPress

Mike Pead: By following a few simple tips, you can boost your chances in gaining more search engine visibility. This talk will mention some best practices you can do with your WordPress website, such as why you should blog, how to incorporate your keywords in the right way, using an SEO plugin, and more.

How customer profiling can help you to write better blogs

Chelsea Haden: I would like to talk about a technique I use which involves customer profiling to help with the development of writing blog content for your business blog. It’s a quick and simple technique that can be used to help you to develop shareable, engaging and informative blogs.

Contributor day

Herb Miller: The subject of this talk is about Contributing to WordPress leading up to the 5% giveback that quite a few companies have pledged to do.

WordPress Performance Profiler

Damian Gostomski: We’ve recently developed a plugin aimed at developers helping to diagnose performance issues with themes and plugins, and this talk would give an overview of the challenges profiling themes/plugins, and how this tool can help to solve those issues, with some real world examples.